I think I have a similar problem.
I have many pdf documents made out of different programmes viz., Microsoft word, Quark Express, Microsoft Excel. Some of these files have been made to pdfs in version 4, some of them in version
6. They are all fine. I am making a CD consisting of all these pdfs. I made a single pdf consisting all the pdfs (through insert-page). 
I have version 6 of Acrobat and the CD looks fine on my computer. The same CD on a computer
which has version 4 of Acrobat Reader - some of the heading fonts go funny. They get overwritten,
squished etc.  Is it the problem with the Reader version? How come the individual files look fine,
but when I put them together or make a binder the fonts go funny.
Any clues will be much appreciated.
Aruna Aysola
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Rich Sprague
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 3:30 PM
Subject: RE: [PDF] Converting Word Docs to PDFs

A. System fonts (Times New Roman and Arial) do not need to be embedded.
B. The PDFWriter does not embed fonts...Distiller will embed the copyright symbol.
C. What version of Distiller are you using...the PDFWriter was discontinued after version 4?
D. It sounds like you need to upgrade...AB is at version 6.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of webmaster
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 12:09 PM
Subject: [PDF] Converting Word Docs to PDFs

Here's a query I have regarding making pdfs out of Word documents.
I format the Word document to look exactly the way I want it to.
I then print it via Adobe Acrobat - which gives me two choices... PDFwrite and Distiller.
Distiller doesn't allow me to embed fonts so I always choose the PDFWriter option.
Trouble is... the resulting pdf file seems to arbitrarily decide to mess up some of the text... letters will be overlaid or crunched up so they're unreadable.
I can re-type the offending page in Word, export that single page as a pdf and then replace the corrupted page in the pdf document - which is a time consuming but effective way of overcoming the problem.
Is there a better way to do this?
Also... I can't seem to find anyway at all of getting the pdf file to embed the copyright symbol... It appears as a ? when I use PDFWriter so I know it's not been embedded and in Distiller it appears as the correct copyright symbol but when I upload my document to where I want it to go I keep getting the error message telling me my fonts aren't embedded.
I've tried other free converters such as Win2PDF and 995PDF but they seem to be impossible to format correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.

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