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Let me look into my crystal ball.

What version of Acrobat are you using? Where did you get the blank page you

What happens if you insert the blank page, and don't change the logo colors?


-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Jacob, Joselito
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 4:40 PM
Subject: [PDF] SOS

I encountered a good one yesterday. Our yearly budget report came in and as
usual, they needed it ASAP. The client created the PDF files. They were
placed and retrieved from a network drive along w/ the original WORD files.
Routine procedure. Assembled the different sections to create one document
(108 page). Output to the Heidelberg 9110 Digimaster only to discover font
problems. There were lines where letters bunched up like it lost kerning
info. My immediate assumption was a distilling issue (Ariel Bold & Regular
not embedded). So I retrieved the original WORD files and distilled one
section to test, sent to print and it came out fine. Distilled the rest and
reassembled. Did one proof and there were no font problems. Proof called for
one blank sheet and color logo to be converted to black. Inserted blank
sheet and used PitStop Pro to do the color conversion. Sent out proof again
only to discover the same font problem like the first time around. 

Could the manipulation of the logo using PitStop have corrupted the font

That is the only thing I did besides the blank page insertion that could
have influenced the file in any other way. This also raises some concern as
we are trying to convert our clients to go PDF all the way. 


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