Dear PDL folks,

PDL 2.075 has just been released. Notable changes since 2.064:

  *   threading now called broadcasting (compat aliases created)
  *   fix when readdata functions return error (#356)
  *   RedoDimsCode can now use $SIZE(other_index) (#386)
  *   can now unify Code and BadCode into Code, and use PDL_IF_BAD() or #ifdef 
  *   add macros PDL_IF_GENTYPE_{REAL,INTEGER,UNSIGNED}(iftrue,iffalse) in Code
  *   fixes to PDL::NiceSlice including performance bug by monkey-patching 
  *   Minuit and Slatec 64-bit safe

  *   bifuncs like Ops::plus no longer need explicit swap parameter

Future plans, in something like intended order:

  *   fix more open GitHub issues
  *   make PDL::LinearAlgebra work right with “native complex” (several of the 
above issues were related to enabling this)
  *   “loop fusion” techniques to maximise locality of computation, minimising 
data’s trips through the “straw” between CPU and main RAM
  *   finish the independent C interface for making PDL usable from e.g. Python
  *   use OpenCL or other means to also utilise GPUs if available

The IRC channel (#pdl on is a great virtual place to come and ask 
questions, or just watch the GitHub messages flow by.

As usual, please give the new PDL a try and report problems.

Best regards,
pdl-general mailing list

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