
Hear this :)

I want a point and shoot camera with 24-105/?.??-5.6! lens. The camera
should have at least shutter priority or aperture priority program. I
think it will allow Pentax to collect some fine profit...

Naturally viewfinder should be right above the lens so that at least
half of parallax problem is already solved. And it has to have nice
big viewfinder too...

Would you buy one?

Boris Liberman

===8<==============Original message text===============
MJ> Okay, time for a group question.

MJ> If you could direct Pentax to make and market one lens it currently does not
MJ> make, what would it be?

MJ> (Focal length, max aperture range, MF or AF, for what camera, imaging
MJ> characteristics you'd want, and any other special qualities or
MJ> specifications you want to mention.)

MJ> --Mike

===8<===========End of original message text===========

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