Haven't been out to see Aaron since the fall.  I gotta get out there
soon, 'cause I wanna get my darkroom up and going.  I'm spending waaaaay
too much on processing at labs, and I found out that the local library
branch has a darkroom with an enlarger, that can be used for free -
develop negs at home, make prints down the street.

Back to Aaron:  yeah, some of the prints he's made of the 6x7 stuff are
amazing.  Big huge poster-size things, with no grain at all.  Sharp as

Nice stuff!


David Brooks wrote:

> Jeff and I visited Aaron just after Newyear.He's busy and happy:)
> Three of those pictures adorn his wall in mega size.Nar a bit of
> grain to be found<g>
> Dave

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert

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