Hi Marnie...

This is an interesting comment. I have another, somewhat anecdotal example
of the opposite viewpoint. My mom, a high school arts teacher in a small,
rural community recently brought her photography students to an exhibit of
some of Ansel Adam's B&W work here in Portland. The exhibit also included
color prints of similar locations done by Adam Bacher, an accomplished local
outdoor photographer. (You can find his gallery by searching on Google.)

To my surprise, the students all agreed that the B&W work had a greater
visual impact than the color work, although they were both technically


On 1/13/03 3:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> But I find B&W boring. Put some color photos next to B&W photos and my eye
> will skip right over the B&W to the color. It reminds me too much of the B&W
> TV I grew up with. And everyone on the street was estactic when they finally
> got a color TV! Our family certainly was, because we got ours later than some.
> I instantly found TV more interesting (not necessarily a good thing as a
> child, but you get the idea).

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