
The Nikon N80 will not meter with nearly all Nikkor manual focus lenses.

Michael Cross

Taz wrote:

Sigh, this whole thing has caused me to eye up a Nikon N80 for sale that I
know of....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Are you saying that K & M lenses will not work with
the *ist D?

If so, I can start selling now and make the switch to
another brand for digital.

--- Pål_Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Boz wrote:

Conclusion: K and M equipment is obsolete. K and

M buyers should buy

Limited equipment (these people want good

mechanical build, and nowadays

that costs money). :-(

Very likely scenario. Maybe we can hope for a
high-end KAF3 lens series in the fall that maintain
the aperture ring? After all, the FA J lenses are
strictly entry level with plastic lens mounts.


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