Hi Roland,

Roland Mabo wrote:
> For example, I have a M 28 f/2.8. I want to use it on the *ist,
> because of the lovely character the M 28 has. Now, I set the
> lens at f/2.8 and the *ist displays a shutter speed of 1/125.
> But I don't want to use it at f/2.8, I want more depth-of-field.
> I want to use it at f/8, so I set it to f/8 - and the lens stops
> down ("instant depth-of-field") and I set the shutter to 1/15
> so I get a correct exposure. Now I fire the shutter.

I do not think that this is correct.  The lens will stay open even if
you select f/8, but the camera will not know this so it will meter as if
the lens is set to f/2.8.  So you need to manually override the 1/125
with 1/15.


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