I had lunch today with a friend from France.  She & hubbie are
working toward US citizenship.  Even with this she has a coworker
who told her to go home.  The anger people are expressing toward individuals
is totally unnecessary.  Some radio personalities, Glenn Beck in particular,
are fueling this irrationality.  It's wrong.

We live in a fallen and sinful world where there can be no peace.
It's not our nature.
Peace is not achieved or maintained in this world by the irrationality of
nonviolence as promoted by the Left (Marxists & Neo-Marxists). The
fantasy ignoring everything and just living for today appeals to the thoughtless
(aka John Lennon) who do not want to or cannot look toward tomorrow's higher
goals of freedom and prosperity shared for others.

a. Take lots of pictures.  That's why we're here.
b. Everyone, get your General Class license and we can all talk on 17 meters!
(I'm trying for mine in the next month)

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