På lørdag, 20. september 2003, kl. 22:41, skrev William Robb:
----- Original Message -----
From: "graywolf"
Subject: Re: My own little *ist D review (fwd)
Much of the reason for Apples software stability is the Apple
philosophy, "We support Apple hardware only". Where other brands of
computers may have almost any hardware from any manufacture in it Apple
only has to support Apple hardware that simplifies the task immensely.

This is pretty much the way my technician explained it to me as well.
His thought is that people with unstable machines are probably using junk
hardware which was assembled by girls in diapers and whose driver software
was written in a basement in Pyong Yang.
Use quality hardware, check to make sure it really is all intercompatable,
with no driver conflicts, and don't put a half dozen freeware programs, all
of which do exactly the same thing anyway into the machine and odds are, it
will be stable.

Sure, I made a Powerpoint presentation yesterday, nice, but it didnīt work in the next Powerpoint version I tried. I guess itīs my fault, but Iīm glad I didnīt trust it.

It was the same with the Access 2.0 data base I once made. It didnīt work in Access ī97 - or any later version. I guess I should have known better...


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