I don't think the question is any sillier than the survey to begin with (draw your own conclusions from that statement <g>).

But I can see it being a pretty serious matter for some people. What about transgendered people? What about those 1/2 way through the process (I don't know the correct terminology, but those who have had the hormone therapy, but can't afford the operation; they're living their lives as the gender they've chosen, but don't have either the "parts" or the chromosomes).

I have to admit, sometimes it does make my head swim - it was a pretty simple question only a few years ago, wasn't it? M or F? But the fact is that things have changed, and people define themselves in a myriad of ways.

How about M/F/Other/Don't Wish to Answer?

Hope I didn't offend anyone, but this is one of those issues I've struggled with, and still am not sure how to handle (I'm talking generally, not WRT this particular little problem...)


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: Bob Walkden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
perhaps it should be rephrased altogether:

'Do you have a Y chromosome (Yes / No) ?'.

That would at least show how ridiculous the whole question is.


 Bob                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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