----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dario Bonazza 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> However, should you apply USM to *ist D pictures, they can only look sharp
> at less than 100% magnification.
> If you apply lesser USM, they don't look sharp even at 50% magnification,
> while if you apply enough USM for getting sharp pics at 50% magnification
> you'll see too edge effect at 100%. That's the problem with the *ist D
> pictures I tried to sharpen.
> Dario

What lenses did you use?
I just had a look at many of the images linked from:
(link posted to PDML 26.09.03 by Rob Brigham),
and with some lenses I agree they do look too soft, but other lenses, like
eg. the fa*28-70/2.8 and the FA31 ltd. are tack sharp.

The biggest disappointment there, imo, is the FA100/2.8 macro. At full
opening it shows enough chromatic aberration to be unusable. It's OK at f/8,


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