Hi, Lukasz,

I don't doubt your (or Boz') figures. I thought it was closer, but what do I know? <g>

My point, I guess, is that for street shooting, hyperfocusing from 2 feet to infinity gives one pretty good focus-free range, and that makes the MX/Pancake combo very good for street shooting or candids.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: Łukasz Kacperczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Pancake SMC-M 40mm 2.8
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 16:15:02 +0200

You called, Frank? <g>

From Boz's site - it focuses down to 0,6 m - that's almost two feet for
those metrically challenged :-) And that's exactly what I don't like about
it (from reading about it on the internet). I always wondered why my
brother's Nikkor 50/1.8 focused down only to 0,6 m. I really love the
ability to shoot detail with a Pentax 50 mm - focusing down to 0,45 m.

Still, I'd like to own one for some time, if only just to be able to see the
40 mm focal lenght throught the viewfinder - so far my only experience with
a 40 mm lens has been with fixed lens rangefinders. Yes, I know - it's in
the photos, but still, I'd rerally like to be able to look throught the
viewfinder and see exactly what the lens sees_before_ realising the shutter.


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