
I have no idea what the hell any of that crap means - but then you know that already. It's just words on a paper (or in a computer, or whatever).

I don't think it's my legal background, so much as being a philosophy major over 20 years ago - I've forgotten pretty much all of it, but remember a few buzz words. That, and I've been to a few art openings, and gotten drunk listening to one-sided conversations with a few self-styled artists/critics/art school dropouts.

Mish-mash it all together, blender-like, and see what comes out...

Also, you were so mean to Bill, I had to make him feel a bit better about himself. <vbg>

Damn! I just re-read my initial post. Should have used the word "abyss". "Abyss" always works well with that sort of garbage. My bad.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Zenit 16mm Fisheye & *istD
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 19:53:46 -0400

Now, I believe you used to be a lawyer, Frank. You have a great future as an art critic as well.

Bill also does test shots out of the back of the house. They tend to have a surrealistic cubist look to them. He always says, "this is just a test shot". So when he shows what to me is just a test shot I could not pass up the opportunity to put it down for him. Especially since I know the that road is straight.

But you do prove, Frank, that it is the eyes and mind of the beholder that makes a shot great or not.

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