Yes, I always hear these little number games. Actually, since there always has been an immense amount of inbreding in human populations the number game is meaningless. I have many thousands of ancestors, but not billions, or even millions, and am certainly not related to everybody in the world even indirectly. This number game is the same arithmetic that says you can never hit the wall you are driving toward at 100kph. You need to use a calculus not arithmetic for these kinds of problems.

In a small population like Iceland maybe most of the people whose families have lived there for several hundred years are interrelated, but 6 generations give 512 ancestors. However many of those 512 ancestors can be the same person, if just 2 of your ancestors were related then there you only have 256 possible ancestors in 6 generations. In all likelihood in a population as small as Iceland many of ones ancestors were cousins, maybe only 5th or 6th cousins but that reduces the number of ancestors in ones family tree drastically.

Thrainn Vigfusson wrote:
You have to go back 6 or 7 generations for my whole nation to be interrelated. I don't know haw far you have to go for the whole of earth's population though.


On Sunday 19 October 2003 20:44, Jostein wrote:

Hi, Thrainn.

I completely forgot my manners here. Heartily welcome to the list. As you
haev already noticed, off-topic issues are plentiful and benign on this
list. :-)

Your notes about genealogy brings a smile on my face. Norway's population
is about 20 times yours, and it's still pretty common to get those "do you
know...", based on who you are, where your family is from etc.

Iceland probably has the most complete population genealogy of all
-Just one little q, out of curiosity; how many generations do you need to
go back before the whole of today's population is interrelated? :-)


Pictures at:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thrainn Vigfusson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:11 PM
Subject: OT Re: New to the list

I thought you might be joking, but it's not often I get the chance to
tell people I saw Bjork shopping, since everybody here has also seen her.

We get a lot of "...then you must know..." questions here, mainly because


whole nation is interested in genealogy. When you tell people who you are


where you live, you can expect answers like "My wife's cousin's husband's
great aunt used to live there in the fifties. Maybe you've heard about


BTW,  I wasn't joking about the interest in genealogy. The family trees


entire nation (since about 1650) are available on the web. In a few


you can find out how you are related to anybody.

On Sunday 19 October 2003 02:11, frank theriault wrote:

Hi, again,

Gee, Thrainn. I was only joking. Not about Bjork being smokin', which


is, but about whether you knew her.  I knew Iceland was a small place,
I didn't know it's that small.

And, I know how to spell "Icelandic", BTW (that was a type in the



It's funny, but you saying that you've seen Bjork shopping, and


how small your country's population is, reminds me of an ongoing


joke about Americans. It seems that almost every Canadian I know tells


story of visiting the US, and when the Americans find out we're from
Canada, they'll say "Oh, I have a cousin in Vancouver, maybe you've met
them."  Of course the answer is:  "Well, there are 35 million
Canadians, and Vancouver is 4,000 miles from Toronto, so no I haven't
met your cousins."

Enough rambling. I've got to cut down on my off-topic ramblings




-- graywolf

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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