> you are kidding, right?
> i am almost envisioning a "large, mostly empty" highway from Boston to NYC
> ( i guess that should count for "major towns", eh? ).

The Atlantic corridor is not representative of the US as a whole.  But the
point is that since the Eisenhower administration created the Interstate
Highway System (designed for an average road speed of 80Mph) travel by road
for long distances has been a reasonable low-cost option in the USA.

Try travelling along the A6 in the UK sometime.  That's one of the original
major road routes in the UK (hence the single-digit number).  For quite a
lot of it's length it is a two-lane road (not two lanes each way; two lanes
in total) with no overtaking.  Get stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle and
you'll be sitting there for miles.

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