On 24/10/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Cons for the Canon are that a colleague bought one and got bad banding (I
>think it was the 9000 though), so took it back and swapped it for another
>- same problem. Took it back again and got the Epson instead, which he
>swears by. Cons for the Epson are that huge six-colour cartridge having to
>be replaced.
>Anyone want to try and sway me either way?

I have the S9000 and have not seen any banding at all.

I like the fact that the inks come in seperate tanks, but they are
(cheapest for me) £6.45 each.

Note that the printer head is user replaceable on the S9000 but not on
the Espon, IIRC, though I could be wrong on that....

Both are excellent printers. Try and see both in operation, even print
off your own file, compare?


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