I don't think so-I don't know what the letters stand for. I work for a
printing company called Riley's.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: new to list and a question

> You don't by chance do work for CBS do you (HD at the Final Four?)
> Cory Waters
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "gregcooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 2:24 AM
> Subject: new to list and a question
> > Hi Everyone:
> > I've read the list for a while now but have a question so I thought I'd
> > subscribe. Before my question I'll tell you that my history is a
> > FT2 I got as a present when I was a kid in the 70's. It packed it in two
> > years ago and a coworker gave me his dad's long un used Pentax Super
> Program
> > which I initially didn't like compared to the Nikkormat but  Pentax grew
> on
> > me and now I also have an me super, Z-1p, ist, and
> > MZ-3 (as well as lots of lenses). The lead up to my question is:
> > I had given up trying to find a good used Z-1p at a reasonable price,
> > bought the MZ-3 in last February. Of course, two months later I found a
> Z-1p
> > at a reasonable price. I shoot lots of sports and I love the
> > and 4 frames per second. But I rarely use the MZ-3 and think maybe I
> should
> > sell it while it still has a warrantee.
> > My question is: what is a reasonable price to set as a reserve on ebay,
> > considering it still has about 4 months warrantee left ( I checked with
> > pentax and they said it is transferable) and has only about 10 rolls put
> > through it?
> > Actually there are two questions, the second is while I have bought on
> > ebay and have never sold, I've noticed some sellers don't ship to
> > certain places -why is that? I live in Canada, should I only ship to
> > Canada and U.S?
> > Sorry, message is a lot longer than I originally planned, anyway, best
> > wishes to everyone
> > Greg Cooper
> > Edmonton, Alberta
> > Canada
> >
> >
> >
> ---
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