I owned a couple mamiya C33s and all 7? of the lens sets for
about a dozen years until I sold them for the Pentax 67 system.
The bodies never let me down and the lenses were all excellent
but not quite as good as the superb P67 lenses in terms of contrast.
I used them mostly for B&W with great results. There are two
accessories that are a must. 1. the prism finder and 2. the
hand grip. The camera is very awkward without these items but
unfortunately the prism is costly.....

   J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://jcoconnell.com

-----Original Message-----
From: gregcooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: new to list and a question

Thanks to everyone for the ebay info. It was very helpful. By the way, I
work a few blocks away from the biggest camera store here in Edmonton, and I
often walk over on lunch breaks. I had been wanting to try some medium
format but the price scares me, anyway a guy working at the store had an old
mamiya c33 twin lens reflex which seems to be in pretty good shape and he
sold it to me for $150 Canadian. Pretty good deal I think.
Too bad winter is starting (Edmonton usual gets pretty brutal winters and
they usually start around this time)
Greg Cooper

----- Original Message -----
From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: new to list and a question

> Greg,
> Welcome.
> I sell a lot on eBay and prefer to only ship to US & Canada.
> dpconsult.com
> Several packages have been lost in overseas shipments and
> nobody likes the situation.  (The source for one of my negatives.)
> I usually set a reserve, when I do it, at the absolute lowest I'll take
> for it.  At the same time I use a Buy It Now just a little above the
> going rate just to see if someone really wants it.  Works sometimes.
> The key to a good sale is good pics.  My current 2 ads have a mediocre
> and no pic, and so aren't selling (I've misplaced my digital camera lens!)
> Personally, I think now is the time to reduce ( though not eliminate )
> one's film body inventory.  Prices are dropping noticably.
> (A good Super Program would have sold for $90 a year ago but today
> seems to be going around $65.)  Do it while you can.   A Warranty is
> a good selling point to make full use of.
> Enjoy the list & have fun.
> Collin

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