Got a question for those better acquainted with the universe of Takumar
screw-mounts than I.

I've got a 35/2.0 Super-Takumar (new type) which has a yellow 
discoloration.  I'm told it's a common problem for this lens due to
aging of the coating.  Since I'm shooting mostly slide film I'd like to 
get another 35/2.0 screw-mount to supplement it.

I've been holding out for an SMC Takumar 35/2.0, but I haven't seen any on
the used market.  Do these lenses show up on the used market, or are they 
all being hoarded like the 15s?

I've been thinking about looking for one of the older, larger type.  The 
optical design appears to be simply a 50/1.4-type lens with a negative 
element in front of it rather than the more evolved retrofocus design
of the later version.  It's an unusual design, and I don't know what to 
expect.  How does this version perform relative to the later, smaller 


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