Sometimes, cropping becomes a total necessity. A few weeks ago, our younger
daughter Rani brought us our latest adopted Bearded Collie from a breeder
near her home in Atlanta. As Rani and my wife were going on to a further
destination, I use my Optio totake a picture of mother, daughter and new dog
before they continued on with their trip.

Two days later, said Beardie decided to slip out of her new collar and
disappear about 2 Ks from our home. I rushed our older Beardie home and
started the search. It was short and in vain.

I quickly made flyers using one of the pictures I took at the airport. I
CROPPED the picture so that only the Bearded Collie appeared and used that
picture on the flyer. Fortunately, as I was posting one of the flyers, a
woman noticed it and told me that her neighbor had found our new Beardie
(thus granting me a reprieve from my pending doom). Thanks to digital
photography, all was once again well.

I wouldn't have been able to do this if I hadn't cropped the picture to show
only Sophie. So, there are times when you wind up using a picture for a
different purpose than its original intent, and judicious cropping can be
quite an enabler.

Larry in Dallas

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