Stan Halpin wrote:
> When I ask for a "full frame" 8x10 at my local store, I always expect a
> 6.66x10, I always get a 8x12 instead. If I want it in an 8x10 frame, I need
> to crop it...

Huh.  If I order a "full frame 8x10", the folks at the
lab that does machine prints ask, "Do you mean an 8x12 
machine print, or do you want a hand-printed 8x10 with
borders?" as I recall (it's been a while since I've 
been able to afford either).  At the other lab, they 
ask, "You mean with borders, right?" because apparently 
some customers get confused and say full-frame when 
they mean "fill the page".  I'm pretty sure all my 
6.66x10-on-8x10-paper prints were done on enlargers, not 

Now I'm wondering (idle curiosity) which approach is
more common at other labs when a customer asks for
"full frame 8x10" -- deliver 8x12, deliver 8x10 with
borders, or point out that 8x10 from 35mm is a crop 
and ask for clarification.

The only time a lab gave me an 8x12 when I'd asked for 
an 8x10 was when the printer said he *really* didn't 
think the crop would look right, but that he could trim 
it with a paper cutter if I still wanted it that way 
after I'd looked at the 8x12.  I decided he was right 
and kept it as an 8x12.  (I'm sure some folks would
find that annoying or insulting, but these folks know
me well enough to figure out what level of advice like
that I'll find apropriate, given the questions I ask
them at other times.) All my other 8x12 prints are that 
size either because I specifically wanted them that way 
or because I wanted a full-frame on 8x10 paper but couldn't 
afford hand printing so I ordered 8x12 instead.  

I wouldn't be surprised to find that there's at least
one minilab that can print full-frame-with-borders on
8x10 paper, but I haven't run into one set up to do

My earlier comments on how close to full-frame the
different labs I've used can print refer to 4x6 and
8x12 prints from 35mm; they obviously don't apply to 
4x5, 5x7, or 8x10 fill-the-paper prints from 35mm.

                                        -- Glenn

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