Hey Doug,

You circumvented the approval process.  You do not set a good example for the
other list members.  You will be visited by the Standards and Practices
Police later in the day.  Are you still living in your van?  Still parked
near the school yard?

Are there really humor impaired people on the PDML?  Better break out the
smiley collection <LOL>

shel "who knows Mike johnston and will be the first to admit i ain't him"

> Okay, everyone, listen up. Shel only wants us to talk about what Shel is
> interested in. Before you send a post to the list, please send it to Shel
> first and see if he thinks it's appropriate. Shel, being the only real
> photographer on the list, will determine if your post meets his standards
> and will let you know if you can send it to the rest of the subscribers.
> Thanks,
> Doug "I know Mike Johnston and you, sir, are no Mike Johnston" Brewer
> p.s. For the humor-impaired on the PDML, this is a joke.

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