i have. i don't miss the old days one bit. i get more and better pictures
faster with my *istD than i can get with any of my film bodies. the only
reason i haven't sold my film bodies is because i still have a pile of film
in the fridge and that for times when i am shooting what i think will be
suitable for sale as large prints, the *istD is only good enough for 12x18
with some resampling and sharpening unless sharpness isn't important.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 7:47 AM
Subject: I feel like Mike Johnston

> So, for those of you who haven't tried it yet, grab an old camera, grab
> some film, and go out and make pictures in the fashion of a by gone
> era.  And for those of you who have an old Spottie around, or an MX, or
> some such silly paperweight, it may be time to take it for a walk around
> the neighborhood before all the gears and levers fuse together from lack
> of use.  You'll have a wonderful story to tell your grandchildren ...
> "Billie Jean, come sit with grandpa in the garden and I'll tell you
> about film.  And if you're good, I'll tell you that story you like so
> much about developers."

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