> Perhaps those with the "fix it in Photoshop" mentality might disagree, but hey, if
> y'gotta fix it, then maybe something was wrong to begin with.

Maybe.  But I'm not so much arguing for fixing it as I am arguing against breaking it.
Maybe what was wrong was the software that was being used.

> Now, for a guy like you (and I mean that in a complimentary sense) knowing all the
> technical stuff, especially in digital photography, is probably useful.  You can,
> perhaps and for example, read the code in the Pentax software and change it to suit 
> your
> purposes.  Not only can't I do that, I'm not sure I'd want to.

Fairly close.  I can't read the Pentax code, but I can see what it does, and deduce
a pretty good idea of how it goes about it.  And if it does something I don't like,
there's a good chance I'll be able to craft an alternative more to my liking.
That's something I can do.  I don't have the experience to know how different types
of enlarger affect a print, or an encyclopaedic knowledge of the look-and-feel of
different brands of paper.  But digital image processing plays to my strengths.


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