Well Ryan, I can't help you with a choice among the listed lenses, but I do
have a suggestion: a used SMC-A 20/2.8; there was one on KEH a few days ago
for about $465 IIRC, that puts it right into the price range.


on 12/06/03 8:39 AM, Ryan Lee at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> Was just browsing thru some ultrawides, and I can't really decide which one
> I want. I'll just think aloud and any help's appreciated.
> These are the ones I'm looking at:
> Primes
> 1. Pentax FA 20mm f/2.8 (f/2.8~22, 67mm) USD$485 (B&H)
> 2. Sigma EX 20mm f/1.8 (f/1.8~22, 82mm) USD $360 (B&H)
> Zooms
> 3. Sigma EX 20-40mm f/2.8 (f/2.8~32, 82mm) USD$600 (B&H)
> 4. Sigma EX 17-35mm f/2.8-4 (f/2.8~32, 77mm) USD$440 (77mm version available
> January?)
> 5. Sigma EX DG 12-24mm f/4-5.6 (f/4~22, rear filter) USD$650 (though not out
> yet?)
> 6. Phoenix/Vivitar 19-35mm f/3.5-f/4.5 (f/3.5~22, 77mm) USD$140 (new on
> Ebay)
> The main purpose will be landscapes, and I figure that what I really need is
> just 20mm, if it's any wider, I'm not sure if I'll get enough use out of it.
> I also hope to use it with a Singh Ray Gold & Blue Polariser. However, I
> just went over the website and they don't seem to have it in an 82mm thread.
> This being so, I sent off an email just to confirm (will prolly find out
> after the weekend).
> Now for each specimen respectively,
> 1. It's Pentax- so yay for SMC and resale value etc.., and it's got a small
> enough thread for the filter. Only possible negative thing I can think of-
> it only goes down to f22.
> 2. I've heard great reviews about this lens, not so much about the speed
> (since f1.8 will just provide too little dof for landscapes anyway), but
> about how sharp it is at f8, some say even more so than the Pentax and the
> Canon offerings.. Unfortunately its 82mm thread means I won't be able to use
> the identified polariser (:(!) unless I get a mail back saying that they'll
> custom make it or something. Also, I'm not sure if this is normal logic, but
> bigger aperture range = bigger sweetspot?
> 3. I'm not really considering this one, since it is a bit pricier and also
> that it overlaps 12mm into my 28-70. But thought I'd mention it just in case
> anyone has anything to say about it. One good thing is it goes down to f32,
> one unfortunate thing is it's 82mm as well..
> 4. I've heard a bunch of conflicting reviews about this one so I'm not sure
> what to think. The extra 3mm down might come in useful, and the 7mm overlap
> into my 28-70 will ensure I won't have to use it all the way at 35mm, which
> I assume is a good thing. Also, I think it's pretty decent coverage for the
> cost. Unfortunately, it's only available January (the 77mm version) and
> that's cutting it a bit close to my trip. Also, I've read the 77mm has
> better glass, not to mention the fact that I can share filters with my
> 28-70.
> 5. This one I like the coverage.. 12 to 24 seems massive. At f4-5.6 I
> suppose that's a bit slow but doing tripod landscape stuff, it doesn't
> really matter does it? Also it only goes down to f22.. I was wondering- does
> a rear filter mean you can't even use a Cokin P holder (let alone the
> Singh-Ray G/B)?
> 6. I like the 77mm filter size, the 1 extra mm going down too. But I'm a bit
> hesitant because it's a Phoenix. However, Jafa photography wrote
> http://www.jafaphotography.com/bestbuys.htm that it was the best buy in it's
> focal length? I must admit that tiny writeup seems tempting.  And yes it's a
> lot cheaper than the rest. Anyone have experience with this lens? (And lol..
> if I do end up getting this one, the filter will be more expensive than the
> lens! I should put the lens in front to protect the filter! The irony is
> sickening..)
> Conclusion:
> I think I'm going to end up with either no.1 or no.4. Hopefully no.4 comes
> out soon. Anyone want to argue the case for (or against) either? I think if
> no.2 came in a 77mm thread, my decision would be a lot clearer. But that's
> just dreaming I guess. If Singh Ray gets back to me saying that I can get an
> 82mm filter I suppose I'll consider no.2. Also I know it's kinda weird
> basing a lens decision around a filter.. but for USD$210 (77mm thread) it
> does sound like quite a bit of equipment doesn't it? Also, I'm not sure
> about no.6..
> Any help is much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Ryan

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