I believe it.

The problem, though, with believing that every iPod comes with an 18 month battery is that it's simply not true. It happened in one case with one particular example of the model. Just like lens test reports, your results may vary.

That being said, I'm not an apply employee, nor do I have interest in apple stock. I simply think the iPod is the way to go for me, and with this new information, I'll be sure to buy an extended warranty, or purchase it with one of my credit cards that extends manufacture's warranty.

Thanks for the interesting link,

Il Bill

On Monday, December 8, 2003, at 09:19 PM, Chris Brogden wrote:

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Cotty wrote:

'Save a bundle on memory cards the next time you take your digital
camera with you on vacation. When your card is full, simply transfer the
images to your iPod via the handy Belkin Media Reader . The 40GB iPod
holds 20,000 images (the equivalent of 160 256MB memory cards), the 20GB
iPod holds 10,000 (80 cards) and the 10GB model holds 5,000 (40 cards).


Check this out:



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