What are you including in costs. Direct, burdened, G&A, R&D deprec. etc.

Otis Wright

Herb Chong wrote:

does high margin mean double, triple, or more for your cost of a roll of
film plus processing?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Walkden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: What do you think?

I take a different view. Consumer photography, and probably most
professional photography, will quickly become exclusively digital,
for all intents and purposes. Film photography is likely to be more
like B&W has been for the last 40 years - a niche for enthusiasts. The
film that will be available will be a low volume / high margin product
available from specialist outlets, and processed at a small number of
labs who cater for enthusiasts. Much like Kodachrome and Scala
(although they happen to be the cheapest films for me). It will be


but high quality because the enthusiasts will only want high quality.

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