On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, mike.wilson wrote:

> Kostas wrote:
> > Which bits does one mop (and therefore check for condensation)?
> It was me.  I put the lens cap on before going inside.  All surfaces
> were beaded with moisture immediately and I spent about 20 minutes
> mopping it off.  I concentrated on the areas of joints, where the
> moisture might penetrate the lens or body.

Am I right to infer that you don't need to remove the lens to dry the
insides? What are the chances of condensation forming inside a (zoom
perhaps) lens? I read something about using an airtight bag to bring
the camera in. How airtight need it be? Supermarket bags for example
have holes for the kids not to suffocate in a flash.

In general, I only take the camera out when we are above zero
temperatures. Unlike Shel, I had about 8 non-flash pictures in the
last 74 that I took delivery of today :-( Not happy.


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