
> Indeed, if one goes on paid assignment or to the field where 
> conditions are known to be rough, one needs a backup. Otherwise, fresh 
> set of batteries, film and/or memory cards should do, I guess.

> But then I suppose you confirmed my reasoning, unless one is paid for 
> the shoot, one does not necessarily needs backup.

it isn't just professionals that need it though. If you spend
thousands of pounds, dollars, euros or whatever on a foreign holiday
where you're going to be shooting a lot you'd be rather foolish not to
have some spare equipment in case of failure. And for all the reasons
mentioned it's better to have identical equipment. I've had cameras
and lenses fail on me in out-of-the-way places, but I've been able to
carry on because I've had spares. I've seen people whose batteries
have run out, and they've been in tears because they couldn't get any
new ones.


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