From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Lasse Karlsson"
> Subject: Re: taking a break for a while...
> > Yes. He was showing contempt to the whole PDML in the most blatant
> breach of the most basic PDML rule there is: Don't use the list for
> your own political propaganda!
> I direct you to the following link, where you say
> <quote>
> but from now on politics is a legitimate subject matter on this list
> too.
> </unquote>
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg138684.html

Just in case other readers happen to be as daft as Mr. Robb is:
The quoted line above was A JOKE, the whole message to which he is pointing was made 
There was a smiley at the end of the message.

> So, the problem doesn't seem to be with the act of making a political
> statement,  but with your disagreement with Mr Brendemuehl's politics

Where did I ever say that I disagreed with his political opinions?
Others may have, I haven't.

> and your pathological desire to drown out anyone who disagrees with
> you.
> And you called me a hypocrite?

Yes,  I did. Because you are.
As far as list issues go, you are using double standards, just as you see fit, 
depending on whether you personally like or dislike a person expressing a view.
You are using the list just to attack people on personal grounds, stirring things up 
and taking pleasure in just doing so.
You expressed this inclination just a short while ago in your own words:

"From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: taking a break for a while...
Dan, I have a long history on this list of tweaking the noses of
people that turn out to be pompous twits.
I just can't seem to help myself.
I admit it may be a personality flaw, sometimes for fun I take candy
from small children too. :-) "

 > I guess it takes one to know one.
> Did you win the election, BTW?

Yes, our party was declared one of the two winning parties of the election.

> And do your constituents know about how easily you disregard the
> rights of free speech when it suits you?

If anything, they know I am one to publicly speak up for the rights of free speech, 
and in my archives I will  have previously published statements to send to anyone who 
wishes to read them.
I am locally known and respected for this ever since I was in school, where I also, 
because of this, each year was elected student's representative of my class in an 
advicing "School council" type of body.
Come to think of it, and just to remind you and other list members - who was the one, 
and the only one as far as I can recall, to speak up against you (at the time when you 
and I even were on friendly terms, which didn't make it easier for me), when you made 
the most overtly personal anti-semitic attack on another list member just because of 
his Jewish name, to which you explicitly, slapping the Nazi extermination 
program of Jews into his face?
For your and the list's information I also spoke up for Colin some time back when 
someone else nastily and outrageously attacked him personally on the list.
Being at it, I also spoke up for Don Williams, who actually hadn't expressed very 
friendly feelings towards me, when a slime bag on this list suggested a ganging.up 
against him, AFTER he'd even left the list and wouldn't have had the chance to defend 
I guess I could bring some more examples to the attention of the list, but I'll leave 
it at this.


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