Film is not going away folks. Those who say it is are those who have bought 
into the digital hype in a big way. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with 
digital cameras. But there are lots of us out there who do not really want, need 
or care to go digital, and if we go digital it might simply be to a higher-end 
point and shoot. I like digital. I want an ist-d. Every week I decide I am 
going to buy one and every week I slap myself and ask why do I need one. I don't. 
I'm an amateur. I don't need my pictures the instant I take them. I can wait. 
I love my film cameras... I love going to the store and getting my slides or 
prints. I have too much invested in film cameras to abandon them without good 
There are millions out there like me. That's why film is not going away..

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