I do not doubt that film will disappear from mass-market retailers soon. Many things have. However the internet makes it profitable to cater to niche markets that were unprofitable in the past due to low user density in any particular geographical area. You can still get unpopular sizes of film from internet businesses. Sizes that have not been on the shelves of even camera stores for decades. Yes you will probably have to pay a premium price for it, But there will remain enough of us using the stuff for the popular sizes to stay around for a long while. You can expect the big companies to drop out of the market entirely before too very long, as they are investor driven, but I think there well be some factories still producing film for a long time to come.


Tom C wrote:

It almost makes me feel it my duty to get a 67II. :)

Seriously folks, I think Mr. Robb is likely correct. There doesn't need to be a total demise of film users for film, as a practical device, to disappear. The key word is enough. There just has to be "enough" people not using it, enough film sales not being made, and enough film not being processed, and enough profit not being made, for the production lines to shut down.

There was enough people not purchasing Oldsmobiles and Plymouths. Look at VHS over the last two years... in a couple more I think one will be hard pressed to find the movie they are looking for. Already stores are clearing out what used to be $20.00 retail for $5.99. DVD has taken over.

Is there much difference between whether film goes away mostly as opposed to totally? I don't think so. It may never go away totally. But practically, it will be nonexistent in the lives of most people. Just like LP's. I haven't purchased a new LP since 1987 and wouldn't pay double or triple for vinyl now (though some may). When film selections are down to a handful, and we can't find the ones we like, will we keep shooting on film?

I just wish I knew if that was coming this year, next year, or three years down the road.

A side thought... it would be interesting though if film became the preferred archival method for digital.

Tom C.

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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