>Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 00:04:50 +0200
>From: "Dario Bonazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: New Pentax DSLR's?
> Shawn wrote:
>>So it still might be in Pentax's interest to do
everything they
>>can to gain a foothold in those markets by releasing
a high-end SLR.
>Way too late for doing that. Any year between 1980
and 2000 could have 
a good year for launching a good high-end SLR, 

I don't think it is "too late". I think if they
release a high end film SRL it will be a niche product
(for minorities) and not a mass product. Its sales
number won't be that much affected by rising DSLR

>supported by a strong 
>(lens range, accessories, proper advertising, and so
on) in restoring 
>as leading camera manufacturer. They didn't do that
when it made sense, 
>they won't do now, when it no longer make sense.

A high end film SLR as a mass product will certainly
be (or: would have been) a flop. I do also regret that
there never was a  "true" LX successor. But then, the
MZ-S does almost everything better than the LX (except
motor-drive speed and interchangeable viewfinders) ...
and how many people really bought a long-roll magazine
for their LXs ?? 

best wishes, 

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