----- Original Message ----- 

Subject: Re: Darkroom or Digital for beginners

> Okay, point taken. Often it sounds like on this list that people
are saying
> easy and making a value judgment when they say that.
> Of course, you aren't one of those. ;-)

Horsehockey. I am one of the worst for it.

Here's a value judgement for you to ponder.

If the message is the image, and the medium is the process used to
create it, then the medium is all important.
The medium, to a great extent, controls what the message will be.
The medium both limits us, and empowers us.

Some would have us believe that the traditional methods of getting an
image on paper are somehow limiting, due to inherent difficulties and
problems within the process, and that digital frees us from all of
that, and they trot out all the tired metaphors, such as Shakespeare
and word processors, and the like.

Others would have us believe that the opposite is true, and trot out
their own tired metaphors.

I have found, for myself, that digital imaging has it's own set of
advantages, but also disadvantages.
At this point, I really don't see it as better, or worse than film.

Different? Most definitely.
Superior? Not a chance.

William Robb

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