Anyone remember the Chinese PUG contributor Aconquija?
He/she submitted to many of the galleries in 2002, and all the submissions
except one were taken with the FA* 70-200/2.8.

Here are links to the ones with this lens:

I remember thinking, back then, that if that lens is 10% the reason he can get
such shots, I want one.


Quoting Herb Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> well, it's better than every other one of my lenses in terms of sharpness
> except the FA 50/2.8 macro. my FA 50/1.4 is too new to compare against. at
> all zoom positions, it's sharper than the FA* 24/2.
> Herb....
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Alan Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 7:34 PM
> Subject: Re: FA* 80-200/2.8 discontinued?
> > I keep reading this but there doesn't seem to have any objective evidence
> to
> > prove the Pentax 2.8 zoom is superior. Not that I don't want to believe,
> but
> > even what I consider the most believable results from photodo doesn't give
> > that good score (and their results seem to match my experience so far).

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