I'm thinking of using this for my Fair picture this year in the "Relics of Yesteryear"
catagory.(Unless i 
get a good one from the Ressor 200 year family reunion next weekend).:-)

For the most part i have taken what would be standard shots of old farm equipment or
cars.Usually get 
a placing but i'm trying to get better / different shots for this catagory.

I am trying to show (and it may be obvious) that the country is being over run by the 
urbanization,with this shot.

I found this near our office,were the toll Hwy No. 407 runs through what used to be 2
lovely equestrian 
facilities in Thornhill Ontario.

Any comments on artistic merits are welcome. Actually, any comments are.LOL

As always,enjoy and thanks for looking.

Dave Brooks     

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