Good eye, Ann. Interesting shot. The predominance of white offset by the splash of color in the center words well for me as does the juxtaposition of the car's curving lines and the architectural geometry. Even the lines in the street add interest as they seem to almost emanate from the architecture of the building. If you were extremely ambitious, you might want to lose the trash can that's kind of growing crookedlyout of the windshield. It's a twenty minute job with the Photoshop clone tool.
On Jun 27, 2004, at 1:01 AM, Ann Sanfedele wrote:

Oh god I did it again !
duh - here it is

(at least you got your wisecrack in , PEter :) )

"Peter J. Alling" wrote:

Invisible photography; interesting...

Ann Sanfedele wrote:

I'm having a hard time getting back to work after
two almost back to back
lovely trips.

DIdn't get to meet Mark ROberts for dinner between
train and bus last week so
I wandered around a bit and got this:

Nothing technical recorded - but the film was
Superia 400

annsan the procrastinatoress

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