
I like your new idea and hope you can work it out.

You deserve our thanks for taking on the initial task of coordinating the 
critiques.  Although trying to figure out what everybody was saying is a pain 
in the a__, I do appreciate your effort to try to make us all better 
photographers.  And I am trying to read all the comments/critiques! <g>

I still don't think every photo deserves a public comment, or every 
contributor who requests a critique deserves a public critique.  Maybe only 
the best should get a public critique.  If 8 or 10 good comment threads 
started this way, it could be very informative.

To build on your idea, I would be very happy if something like this 

The gallery is opened and we all get a chance to review it.

For the first 4-5 days, the pdml gets the rush of 'great photo John', or 
'have you seen this one', or 'here are my 15 favorites', or 'these are the 
cave academe awards'.

After the initial rush, the critiques start happening, public and private.  

At this point, you, Chris, could post a list to the pdml of the folks who 
want more criticism or feedback.  Your pdml critiquers could then volunteer 
for specific photos where they felt comfortable giving feedback.  

You could then coordinate assignments.  Specifically, you could pick 7-10 of 
the photos that were interesting or instructive for public critique.  You 
might assign 3 or 2 people who are interested in a photo to give comments.  
But best of all, you might start 5 or 6 interesting discussion threads about 
the photos that we can all follow in detail and might want to add to.

If you and the critiquer team were willing, you could also make assignments 
for private critiques.  That way, you could assure each member submitting to 
the gallery who want comments received some feedback.

I guess I'm bothered that the current critiques are so fragmented and 
unfocused.  I can't follow and keep mental threads going on 90 PUG photos.  I 
could be much happier following along on 8 or 10 good 
discussions...especially when the photographer was a willing participant.

Hope this helps,  Bob S.


<< Well, this certainly seems to be one of the more controversial topics
 lately.  I decided to stop the assigned comments for every PUG entry for
 one reason, and this is it: the PUG is apparently a forum for displaying
 photos, not for critiquing them, and so commenting on every photo turns
 the PUG into a critiqued gallery.  Although the critique was taking place
 on the PDML (which is a separate entity from the PUG, as Bill pointed
 out), it was still making some people uncomfortable.  They were bothered
 by the fact that shots which they just wanted to share with people were
 being judged or criticized openly in the group, and I can understand their
 annoyance.  The PUG isn't necessarily about posting your best photo with
 the intent of having it analyzed publicly; it can be more about just
 sharing a photo that means something to you.  Anyway, since the PUG is not
 meant to be a critiqued gallery, I agree with the idea of not commenting
 on every photo.
 I originally suggested the idea of going back to the way it was before,
 where we commented on a photo or two if it caught our eye, and if we
 wanted comments on our photo we could just ask the PDML.  However, since
 so many people have said that they find the comments useful and don't want
 them to stop, the list might get bogged down in comment requests.  It
 would be nice if we could find a compromise.  Here's one that's a mixture
 of my ideas and other people's suggestions; let me know what you think:
 We'll still have commentators to talk about photos, but only for the
 photographers each month who specifically request comments.  I don't mind
 coordinating this, so we could give it a try and see how it goes.  Since
 the PUG is not intended to be a critiqued gallery, send your request for
 comments to me, not Bill or the PUG.  If you ask for comments in the
 letter you send to the PUGmeisters, it ain't gonna happen.  All you have
 to do is send a letter to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] saying "My name is _____ and I want to have my
 photo commented on for the June PUG" or something like that, and it'll be
 done.  You'll have to do this each month when you submit your photo, as
 there could be some months when you're showing an image that, for whatever
 reason, you don't want comments on.  This method works best if there is a
 relatively large number of people who want their photos commented on.  If
 only a handful of people each month request comments, then there's no
 point in my coordinating it and they might as well post their requests
 directly to the PDML.  But at least for the next couple of months try
 mailing me directly if you want, and we'll see how it works and what kind
 of response we get.
 For the commentators: are you still interested in doing this?  Since
 you're commenting on assigned photos, you're likely having to talk about
 photos that you may not be interested in, and it may feel like school work
 or like something that you do because you have to, not because you want
 to.  If you feel like this (and it's a perfectly understandable way to
 feel), just drop me a note off-list and I'll take you off the commentators
 list.  That way you can choose to talk about the photos which interest you
 and about which you feel you have something meaningful to say, at your
 discretion.  If it feels more like homework than fun, why do it?  <g>
 This should hopefully address most of the objections that were
 raised.  The default for photos submitted to the PUG will be "no
 comments", and you'll have to mail me directly *each month* if you want
 the commentators to talk about your shot.  (Or you could wait and see if
 anyone on the list comments individually, of course.)  I hope this is
 satisfactory to those people who are hesitant to submit photos because of
 the comments, or who don't see the PUG as a critiqued site.  As for the
 tone of the comments, use your own discretion.  Try to point out what you
 like along with what you don't, and feel confident that if you do say
 something that pisses people off you'll never hear the end of it, right
 Shel?  *L*  Remember to have fun.  Because I'm trying to just coordinate
 this thing and not dominate it, I want to keep it as simple as possible,
 which means no panels to review comments before they're posted to the list
 or any similar idea.  I trust the commentators to write in a style that
 they feel comfortable with, and like I said if it's too far off I'm sure
 they'll hear about it.  <g>
 Any thoughts on this?
 chris  >>
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