You only missed the opportunity to state the rules.  The only
acceptable solution will be to continue comments with the
following rules:

If you really dislike a picture, or are offended by a picture,
let someone else comment on it. They may love it.  There's no
accounting for taste.

If nobody likes the picture (a rare event) nothing will be said
to activate the bleeding heart defenders or the Sir Galahad
knight emulators (all hoping to win a lady's favors).

If you must criticize at all, then only suggest ways to improve
the picture.  Comments like, "You should have left the lens cap
on" or "Next time, leave your camera at home" are not considered
to be constructive criticism.

This way, we only voice our approval and all will remain
sweetness and light. Will the comments help improve anyone's
photography?  Probably not, but we'll be able to share hugs all
around and have a warm fuzzy feeling that we're on the track to
photographic perfection.

All of this proves an old Mongolian adage.  "He who is about to
speak the truth should keep one foot in the stirrup".

Len, who obviously lied when he said he wasn't going to say any
more on this topic.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Lasse Karlsson
> Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 7:50 AM
> Subject: Re: PUG Comments (NEW IDEA)
> Chris, I'm really happy to hear that you haven't been
> discouraged by the recent debate.
> Let's hope that we will find a solution that will be
> acceptable to most members.
> I am only adressing one of your suggestions here.
> > We'll still have commentators to talk about photos,
> but only for the
> > photographers each month who specifically request
> comments.  I don't mind
> > coordinating this, so we could give it a try and
> see how it goes.  Since
> > the PUG is not intended to be a critiqued gallery,
> send your request for
> > comments to me, not Bill or the PUG.  If you ask
> for comments in the
> > letter you send to the PUGmeisters, it ain't gonna
> happen.  All you have
> > to do is send a letter to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] saying "My name is _____
> and I want to have my
> > photo commented on for the June PUG" or something
> like that, and it'll be
> > done.  You'll have to do this each month when you
> submit your photo, as
> > there could be some months when you're showing an
> image that, for whatever
> > reason, you don't want comments on.
> ( I F  we decide on any form of "release" from the
> PUG participants:)
> To me this seems like an unnecessary round of
> messages and extra work for you as well as for the submitter.
> Why not do it like this (it would be simple and it
> wouldn't really cost anyone any extra work)?:
> Each time we submit a photo for the PUG we can add
> whatever comments we like around the picture, the
> shooting situation or whatever. Now, if comments on
> the list are welcome, we just add something like
> "Comments on the PDML are welcome."
> This wouldn't really cause anyone any extra work, and
> the possible commentator can simply check for the
> above phrase.
> (Or have I missed something?)
> Lasse
> -
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