----- Original Message -----
From: Brent
Subject: OT: MAX demonstration on kodak.com

> has anyone seen this? Here's url:
> html?
> This is just plain manipulative IMHO. Show someone an
underexposed photo, and
> then one properly exposed. For anyone who can spell ISO and
knows the
> difference between 100 and 400, this is just wrong. Kodak
might not be
> intentionally "dumbing down america", but they sure are
telling some creative
> lies to get a product off of the shelf.

Kewl. I had to install something called Macromedia Flash to view
Gotta disagree with you on this one Brent. Showing the
difference between the results you can expect with a slow film
and a faster film under identical circumstances is called
FWIW, I use a similar dog and pony show to show people why they
should be using a faster film with their little point and shoot
cameras at the lab.
There are a lot of people out there who couldn't care less about
film speed. A lot of customers buy product based completely on
price point. They buy a 29 dollar camera because it's the
cheapest one hanging in the blister pack alley, then compliment
their foolishness with 100iso film, because it's the least
expensive. They aren't intentionally being dumb, no one has
bothered to educate them, and they haven't seen fit to educate
themselves on the subject.
William Robb

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