----- Original Message ----- From: "frank theriault"
Subject: Re: GFM & PDML

For decades now, we Canucks have perpetuated this myth that "our beer
is stronger" than US beer.  Truth is, back when my Dad was a kid, that
might have been true.  Over the years, ours has gotten weaker (5% is
the norm) and yours may have gotten stronger.  At one point, we
measured the alcoholic content differently, so your's said something
like 3% or 4%, but it was actually the same as ours.

We measure beer alcohol as a % of total volume.
They measure it as a % of total weight.
3.6% alcohol by weight is very close to 5% alcohol by volume (if the numbers that my friend who worked at Molson's are accurate), since alcohol weighs significantly less than water.

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