Kevin Waterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am looking for a lense about 28-100 and f1.8 or f2.8
>Does such a creature exist?

The only candidate I know of is the Tamron 28-105/2.8. It's fairly
pricey (around $700.00) and large (82mm filters!) and I've heard very
mixed comments about its optical quality. Some people seem to love it
and others say it stinks. I know someone who uses one regularly as his
main lens on a Nikon D100. I've never had a chance to really evaluate it
myself, though.

This lens has been in Tamron's line-up for a long time and is probably
due for an update/upgrade, though I don't know how likely it is that
they'll do so.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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