Actually I believe that except for the button you press the behavior is the same. On the *ist-D,Ds,DL the camera is set to fire the shutter with the lens aperture off A. Manual exposure is selected. On the D pressing the green button stops down the lens and sets the shutter speed to the "correct" exposure. On the Ds/DL pressing the AE button stops down the lens and sets the shutter speed. On the D holding the DOF lever in turns on the meter and allows you to adjust the shutter speed with the rear (aperture), wheel or the aperture on the lens using continuous stop down metering. I believe the Ds/DL do the same except since they have only one wheel there's no function shift.

Ralf R. Radermacher wrote:

William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Since it shares the same sensor as it's less expensive siblings, you are
paying a premium for what is primarily a nicer build quality.

I take it the three models behave somewhat differently in combinaiton
with manual lenses. Anyone with a link or a short comparison?


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