> On 11/14/05, Bruce Dayton 
> > Out walking with the long lens this morning.  I came across a flock of
> > wild turkeys.  I was just a little downhill from them and was trying
> > not to spook them.  I got a bunch of shots - all through a few weeds.
> > When I watched this pair move along I couldn't help but think about
> > the Velociraptors moving about together.  The movements were quite
> > startling to watch.
> >
> > Not one of my best shots, but the best that I could do with the
> > circumstances.
> >
> > Pentax *istD, Tokina AT-X 400/5.6
> > ISO 400, 1/750 sec @ f/6.7

Nice shot Bruce.
I can tell you from experience, these birds are very hard to work with or sneak 
up on. Any
bit of 
movement is noticed by them.
Keen sight and they can run or take flight very quickly.

I'd send my turkey pics in but most people on the list might not like them.<g>


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