I see what you're saying. It could be presented in a diffferent manner by 
bringing down the middle of the curve. However, I wanted to complement the 
sunny mood suggested by the background highlights. You're right it is more a 
matter of preference. 
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It looks over exposed on my calibrated monitor.  The thing is, the
> histogram looks great, and, technically, one could say the exposure is spot
> on.  However, there's no mood in the photo.  Just bringing down the curve a
> bit in the mid range creates a much stronger image, IMO.  Maybe it's not
> your style or preference, and you prefer the more open and higher tonality
> of the photo.  That's fine.  I won't argue about our different preferences.
> Shel
> > [Original Message]
> > It's not overexposed. Looks fine on a calibrated monitor and the
> histogram is clipped only by the blown highlights on the chairs. But thanks
> for looking.

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