Cory, did you read my post? I said NOTHING about anti-RAW, I said that FOR MY USE of the camera it was not the correct choice.

Yes I did... my comment was more rhetorical to the large number of comments with that sentiment. Yours just happened to be the latest... :)

I don't think anyone is trying to tell you your way to do things is crap... to each their own. More a clarification that if you are judging the quality of a DSLR to be inadequate based on the JPEGs it produces, you may not have an accurate representation of its capabilities.

No matter how streamlined your workflow, 800 RAW images will take a long time to process. Do you not agree? Do you not agree in a situation where the light can never change unless there's a blackout, considering all images must be uploaded immediately after the event, that RAW is not a sensible choice?

Sure there are situations like that. The original theme was something like "getting the most out of your DSLR." That's contrary to your suggested mode of operation. If you are absolutely sure that you will never, ever have any need at all to post-process any of the images, then JPEG is the correct way to do it... especially when you've got fixed lighting situations like you suggest. If you screwed up your WB setting at the onset of the shoot (which isn't easily detectable from the LCD of course), you'd be pretty friggin' pissed after you shot 800 images of them, though.

Of course, this hasn't even touched on the interpolation algorithm quality of camera vs. RAW converter either. It's been well-established that Pentax DSLRs have pretty soft JPEG images.

        Whatever floats your 'scope, dude.



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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