> From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/05/03 Wed PM 10:00:46 GMT
> To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Subject: Re: just a pussycat - Re: tigger woods
> On 5/3/06, mike wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I forget who said it but entirely agree with the sentiment that golf is
> > a good walk, spoiled.
> Among others (I'm sure), the quote has been attributed to Mark Twain.
> The last time I played golf was some 15 or 16 years ago.  It was a
> little 9 hole course, and by the third hole I had lost a couple of
> balls, hooked, sliced or otherwise shanked pretty much every shot and
> was (as we say in hockey-crazed Canada) "stickhandling up the
> fairway."
> The other three in our foursome were quite good golfers, so in
> addition to my personal frustration, I felt bad because I was
> obviously slowing up their game, even though they were too nice to
> comment on it.
> So, after 2 and 1/2 holes I pocketed my ball, and went for a nice walk
> with my friends.  It was glorious.
> I haven't golfed since.

One day at a time.

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