On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Paul Crovella wrote:

> Adam Maas wrote:
>> Pentax lenses, which are in lower supply and demand, have a restricted
>> number of sellers
> Adam, yes, *that* is supply and demand. The supply is low and while the
> demand isn't huge, it's big enough in relation to supply to keep prices up.
> Saying that they cost more because they don't sell is ludicrous.

Paul, you are not thinking from the store perspective. If 2/10 shops 
sell this type of detergent, they have less competition and so need to 
reduce their prices less. You may even want to think about it from the 
risk perspective: if there is little demand, they tie up their capital 
on something that may take time to sell. There has to be something in 
it for them, so they need a higher profit. Plus costs for warehousing, 
occupying floor/shelf-space... Another angle: this pen sells 
exteremely well, so I strike a deal with the supplier to lower their 
costs. I pass this on to the customer, get Adam's custom, then charge 
him an arm and a leg for a pair of AA lithiums :-)


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