You are correct. I remember how delighted I was some thirty years ago 
when I took a tripod mounted picture of the rear of my house in Chicago 
with my 4x5 and discovered that I could crop down on a Coke carton that 
was on the back step and read the print on it. :-). Wish I still had 
time to play with sheet film. One of these days...
On Dec 16, 2006, at 8:53 AM, J. C. O'Connell wrote:

> With true high resolution imaging, ( like LF film ) you
> get both superfine details and no edge "hardness".
> i.e. You don't have to sacrifice one to get the other like
> your talking about below.
> Like you, I really abhor over sharpened digital
> images but I do love superfine details in large prints, this is
> why I have still kept and use my LF Gear on occasion.
> jco
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Paul Stenquist
> Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 8:41 AM
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: K10D review online
> "Best" is subjective. The review is based on pixel peeping, not prints
> that you hang on your wall. I suspect the slightly less crispy look of
> the K10D jpeg prints would prove superior to what the others are
> turning out. I know I don't go for maximum edge hardness on most of my
> RAW conversions. That's for people who are more into trying to read the
> fine print on the building across the street. They're into the
> hardware, not the aesthetic.
> Paul
> On Dec 16, 2006, at 1:06 AM, Tom C wrote:
>> Then they misread what MOST people, not myself, MOST people want out
>> of the
>> camera. That is the best possible result w/o any post-exposure
>> manipulation.
>> I don't know why they refuse to get that simple fact. If we shoot RAW
>> it's
>> one thing, but people readiing the review thatwant the best possible
>> .jpg
>> w/o manipulation will likely fail to be impressed.
>> Tom C.
>>> From: Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Reply-To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>>> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>>> Subject: Re: K10D review online
>>> Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 18:02:08 -0800
>>> On Dec 15, 2006, at 5:21 PM, Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu wrote:
>>>> .. In fact now I'm thinking that the jpeg "issue" may be a design
>>>> decision. *If* it's tuned for better tonal gradation (I hope I'm
>>>> using the correct words), the dynamic range will be lowered (since
>>>> you have only 8 bits/channel to store the data). But I have no idea
>>>> if this is really the case. ..
>>> I am sure that this is the case.
>>> There is a thread at DPReview
>>> forum=1036&message=21284539
>>> where someone is calling for a mass request to Pentax for a firmware
>>> update. I found this reply interesting.
>>>> Forum       Pentax SLR Talk
>>>> Subject     received this reply:
>>>> Posted by           chrswggl
>>>> Date/Time           9:03:20 PM, Friday, December 15, 2006 (GMT)
>>>> Dear Sir/Madam,
>>>> Thank you for contacting Pentax.
>>>> Quotes from DPReview:
>>>> "Sharpness:
>>>> As we have seen on previous Pentax digital SLR's the default
>>>> sharpness level is a little more conservative than other cameras,
>>>> that's not a bad thing and simply means that if you want your images
>>>> a little sharper out of the camera just select +1 or +2. We also
>>>> note that Pentax appear to be using a sharpening algorithm which
>>>> produces 'undershoot' (a darkening of black side of contrast on an
>>>> edge) rather than 'overshoot' (white halos), this can be seen most
>>>> obviously on the watch fingers in the +3 crop. Unfortunately this
>>>> appears to leave some black edges looking a little soft and
>>>> increasing the sharpness setting doesn't help. "
>>>> "When we reviewed the K100D we thought Pentax had got their image
>>>> processing just right, however the single element of the entire K10D
>>>> equation which left us scratching our heads was just that. Either a
>>>> poorly implemented demosaicing algorithm or a strange choice of
>>>> sharpening parameters means that while the K10D's JPEG images have
>>>> plenty of 'texture' they can lack the edge sharpness we're used to
>>>> seeing from semi-pro digital SLR's.
>>>> Pentax may well have been aiming for a smooth film-like appearance
>>>> but I at least feel that the inability to tweak this out by
>>>> increasing sharpness is a mistake. That said it's unlikely you'll
>>>> see this difference in any print up to A3 size, it's a 100% view
>>>> thing so you have to decide if that's important to you or not. To
>>>> get that absolute crisp appearance you'll need to shoot RAW, and use
>>>> Adobe Camera RAW or another third party converter (as the supplied
>>>> converter produces similar results to the camera).
>>>> With the criticism out of the way we return to the K10D as a
>>>> 'photographic tool', something it does very well. It's a camera you
>>>> get used to very quickly and never really leaves you searching for
>>>> the correct setting or control. It's also a camera you can grow
>>>> into, the unique exposure modes are both creatively interesting and
>>>> useful, a range of options such as this encourage you to experiment.
>>>> At just under $900 it's a very strong proposition, so despite our
>>>> reservations about the slightly soft image processing the K10D just
>>>> achieves a Highly Recommended."
>>>> This is something that we could change with a firmware update, but
>>>> to the best of my knowledge the camera is working as intended by our
>>>> designers, so such a firmware update is unlikely.
>>>> If you prefer a sharper shot to a softer feel, then you will
>>>> probably wish to shoot in the DNG RAW format instead of PEF RAW or
>>>> JPG.
>>>> If you prefer a smoother image, then you will want to shoot in PEF
>>>> RAW or JPG.
>>>> If you are in need of further assistance, please respond to this
>>>> email or call our technical support center at 800-877-0155.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Dorian B.
>>>> Pentax Imaging Technical Support
>>>> ----
>>> Now the intriguing question, to me, is Dorian's statement:
>>>> --
>>>> If you prefer a sharper shot to a softer feel, then you will
>>>> probably wish to shoot in the DNG RAW format instead of PEF RAW or
>>>> JPG.
>>>> If you prefer a smoother image, then you will want to shoot in PEF
>>>> RAW or JPG.
>>>> --
>>> This implies one of two things:
>>> Either there is some image processing applied to the RAW data in PEF
>>> and JPEG output modes that isn't applied to the DNG output mode, or
>>> Dorian is assuming Pentax Lab for PEF conversion which performs
>>> different smoothing/cleanup compared to when it processes K10D PEFs.
>>> It might also be an answer to the comments that Pentax Lab and
>>> Silkypix produce different RAW conversion results with PEF vs Camera
>>> Raw and Lightroom with DNG. This is an interesting question mark and
>>> I'm curious to see what happens when Adobe supports K10D PEF files.
>>> Meanwhile I'm going to devise a test to see if I can find subtle
>>> differences ...
>>>> I don't use jpeg anyway. So I don't really care :)
>>> :-)
>>> Ach. Someday all this flap will be over and I'll spend more time
>>> doing PHOTOGRAPHY again, rather than being an equipment weenie.
>>> Godfrey
>>> --
>>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> -- 
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> -- 
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